Industrial Enterprises that are connected to Internet hasn’t the adequate capability to implement Industrial Control Systems Situational Awareness infrastructure. And with theprogressive implementation of Industry 4.0,Internet becomes a necessity for Industrial Enterprise, and manufacturing equipment, management systems, business systems, enterprises are all interconnected.
Three dilemmas are facing these Industrial enterprises from a security protection perspective :
1) Detection: the ability to detect and provide early warning without false positives for the security threats that possibly cause huge loss.
2) Response: the lack of certified and experienced security professional to handle security incidents.
3) The delima of application security, the complexity of Industrial Control and Management systems, and the lagging update, all of above cause the security bugs and a gap between attack techniques & defence infrastructure.
Deployment of Situational Awareness platform solves the three problems faced :
1) Discover and detection of industrial devices with security vulnerabilities
2) Monitoring of anomalous access, prevention of site tampering and vulnerabilities
3) Discovery and elimination of Botnets, Trojan& Worms
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