Venustech Security Professional Services provides the customer with high-quality security services based on the risk management concept.
Our experience with a large number of projects with the focus of research and development includes penetration testing services,
vulnerability testing services, configuration verification services, and so on.

Penetration Testing Service

The Penetration Testing Service allows our experienced security analysts to identify vulnerabilities by simulating hackers attacks according to the PTES (The Penetration Testing Execution Standard), which is the commercial testing service authorized by the customer.

The service provides reports to demonstrates the security level of your critical systems and infrastructure and safety recommendations to show you what it takes to strengthen it.

The available types of penetration tests include external network penetration test, intranet penetration test, black-box testing and grey-box testing, etc. and covers related software and hardware assets such as websites, APPs, servers, databases, middleware, network devices, terminals, etc. contained in the information system.

Vulnerability Assessment Service

Vulnerability assessment service uses professional assessment tools leveraging on vulnerability databases to automatically defines, identifies, and classifies security gaps or vulnerabilities within your network or other communications infrastructure. Combined with manual analysis, the vulnerability assessment report allows the customer to identify vulnerable assets and priorities the remediation.

The available types of vulnerability assessment includes web vulnerability assessment and system vulnerability assessment. The assessments covers related software and hardware assets such as websites, servers, databases, middleware, network devices, and terminals included in the information system.

Configuration Verification Service

The configuration verification service provides automated security inspection tools, scripts developed by experienced & skilled security analysts that complies with national-level protection, national technical standards and industry security baseline standards to eliminate misconfigurations and improve operational efficiency. The targeted types of devices include system, network equipment, database, middleware and others.


Proven Experience

Venustech has proven experience to thousands of customers in critical industries such as telecommunications, government, finance, and electric power. It has accumulated more than 1,000 turn-key service projects and has been widely recognized by customers as a leader.

Comprehensive Range of Commercial Tools

Venustech owns intellectual property rights to the tools that we developed such vulnerability scanning, intrusion detection, configuration detection, etc. The software tools are commercially available and used to conduct security tests on our network and products regularly, to ensure they’re always up-to-date in detecting real-world attacks.

Professional Team

Venustech is a leading CyberSecurity company with a large professional team and a strong focus on research & development that has issued nearly 1,000 security vulnerabilities through CVE.